Variable clouds with scattered showers and thunderstorms, mainly late. Low 69F. Winds SSE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%..
Variable clouds with scattered showers and thunderstorms, mainly late. Low 69F. Winds SSE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%.
As Time Goes By is researched and written for the Journal-Republican by the Piatt County Historical and Genealogical Society.
Due to the current coal shortage, the Wabash railroad has discontinued two daily passenger trains in and out of Bement. This will also cause for passenger trains into Cerro Gordo to be discontinued.
Directors of the Piatt County Soy Bean Cooperative Company held their organization meeting at Monticello. The following officers were elected: F. V. Dilatush, Monticello, Pres.; I.N. Biebinger, Milmine, VP; and J. W. Watson, Monticello, Sec.-Treas.. The Board has arranged to purchase the machinery from Chicago that uses benzol to extract oil from the soybean meal. It is considered to be the most efficient type of extractor. It will be located on the Wabash-IL Central RR switch, near the farmer’s elevator at Monticello.
Twenty-five thousand Illinois farmers gathered at DeKalb last week to enjoy the Decennial Farm Bureau celebration and attend the pageant “Forward Farm Bureau.” Practically all 102 counties of Illinois were represented.
An oil stove in the Pioneer Cream buying station of Cerro Gordo originated a fire in the rear of Joe K. Young’s store causing damage to building and contents. The fire bell hailed a fast response and the fire was extinguished with some damage to the small frame structure.
The special election for the adoption of the new Illinois State Constitution is set for Tuesday, December 12, 1922. The proposed revisions have taken two years to compose.
Harry Combes, former Monticello star athlete and Champaign High School basketball coach, has been named head coach of the Fighting Illini team at the University of Illinois. While at Champaign, he guided the Maroons to three straight trips to State, winning the State Championship in 1946. Harry is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Harry Combes of Monticello and is married to the former Rebecca Jane Austin.
Telephone rates for Monticello and vicinity will be increased. It was announced by A.L. Steber, commercial supervisor of the Illinois Commercial Telephone Company. The largest increase will be for single business phones and rural business phones. The largest increases in monthly fees will be for one-party business phones, from $2.75 to $5, and rural business party lines, from $2 to $3.30.
The Piatt Nursing Home has been recently converted from the County Farm located southwest of Monticello. Though under state supervision, the nursing home will be maintained by the County. Mrs. Orrin Smith of Monticello, the IPAC representative, pointed out there is no other licensed nursing home in Piatt County.
In Eastern Illinois Teen baseball, Cerro Gordo beat Monticello 19-5 to claim a share of 1st place. Cerro Gordo lashed out 18 hits and drove Dick Tippett from the mound.
AD: Kroger’s has cantaloupes for 23¢, watermelons 69¢, and seedless grapes for 35¢ a pound.
KAP Chevrolet says their new cars have big car quality except the price tag.
Bement is showing “Pursued” with Robert Mitchum. The Lyric has “Nobody Lives Forever” starring John Garfield, while the Kendall Theatre in Farmer City features “Roll on Texas Moon” with Roy Rogers.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Reed are parents of a son born at Decatur and Macon County Hospital on July 6. His name is John.
Alice Grabb, who attends art school in Kansas City, visited her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Grabb on the 4th.
Little Billy Pike celebrated his 8th birthday with a party and several guests.
Average family income was $9,818 in Piatt Co. in 1969 compared with $10,393 for the state according to a report on the 1970 census. The 1970 census counted 15,506 residents in the county, 6.1% were foreign-born and 3.4% were native-born with one or both parents foreign-born.
The Monticello High School student council will sponsor a glass drive this Saturday until noon at the Steppe Inn just west of the United Methodist Church. Glass should be washed and sorted by color. It will be taken to Twin Cities Recycling in Urbana.
Announcing construction has begun on the new National Bank of Monticello. An expansion plan especially designed to meet the needs of the banking customer; private quarters for confidential conferences with lending officers, expanded installment loan facilities, conference room for group conferences, new modernized teller stations, remodeled bookkeeping quarters adjacent to tellers for improved depositor service, front and rear entrances, expanded trust department area, new coupon booths for safe deposit box patrons.
This week at Martins Eisner: Charmin bathroom tissue 29¢, sourdough bread 37¢ a loaf, 8 pack 16oz 7-up 89¢, new fangled Pringles potato chips 39¢ single can, frozen lemonade 10¢, half gallon 2% milk 35¢, fresh peaches 4 lbs for $1. Whole fryers 33¢ per pound.
Bement began its Independence Day celebration with a patriotic rally held at Bryant Cottage. Those attending stood for the singing of the “Star Spangled Banner;” and Jason Jennings and Jonathan Cox presented historical readings.
Other activities included a reading of excerpts from political speeches from the 1800s read by Bob Bodman, and a reading of the Declaration of Independence by Bement mayor David Cox.
Sheila Coffman, Irma Joynt (board president), Lois Roberts, Joan Wagner, Rosemary Garvey and Nona Babcock, members of the Hope Welty Library District Board of Trustees honored retiring member Bonnie Neff. Neff had served 27 years as a trustee of the library board. She indicated the highlight of her service as a trustee was being involved in the building and addition of the new library.
Monticello Dance Academy, owned by Vicki Foran, has moved into the building formerly occupied by Cargill Hybrid Seeds at 1020 S. Market Street in Monticello. The new building will better accommodate their 160 students and allow for more gymnastics classes with full sized gymnastics equipment.
Compiled by Deanna O’Reilly
As Time Goes By is researched and written for the Journal-Republican by the Piatt County Historical and Genealogical Society.